KY State Association By-laws

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Original Kentucky State Association of Free Will Baptists


          From experience, the members of the Free Will Baptist denomination, being regularly baptized upon a profession of our faith in Jesus Christ and realizing the necessity of a bond of union and fellowship among us; to preserve and maintain correspondence and coordination with us; to unify the work of the various bodies composing the original Kentucky State Association; and to devise and execute measures for the extension of the Kingdom of God in cooperation with the various bodies of the Association, or that may be hereafter represented therein, do therefore ordain this Constitution for our better denominational government.

The Association

Section 1:

Article I

Design: The design of this Association is to comprise all the local associations and conferences belonging to the State Association of Kentucky who belong to the Free Will Baptist denomination and to unify more completely the work of the church.

Article II

Position: The Kentucky State Association sustains the same relations to the local associations and conferences as the local associations and conferences to the churches.  The body was organized May 6, 1939 and adopts the following constitution and by-laws to govern its mission work.  (First revision June 21, 1975, second revision June 17, 1978, third revision June 16, 1990, and fourth revision June 15, 1991).

Article III

Object: The object of this organization shall be to unify the work of various local associations and conferences in the aforesaid State Association, and to devise means for the extension of Christ’s Kingdom in the State Association.

Article IV

Membership: The Kentucky State Association bases its membership upon affiliation with the various local associations and conferences within the state of Kentucky and surrounding areas. 

Article V

Representation: Each local association or conference composing this association shall be entitled to 5 delegates from the respective association or conference along with one additional delegate for each 300 members or major portion thereof, together with all ordained Ministers and Deacons in good standing. Members of all standing or elected Boards and Committees of the Kentucky State Association shall have voting privileges.  Kentucky Women Active for Christ and the Kentucky State Youth Conference are to be represented by two delegates each to the Kentucky State Association.

Article VI

Placement: The Kentucky State Association shall rotate the State meeting in a regional rotation. The Kentucky State Association would be broken up into four geographical regions. The Kentucky State Association Executive Committee would select a church from that region and meet with the host church for approval. The church must have adequate space to host the Kentucky State Association. It must have enough seating, room for Executive Committee Meeting, KWAC Executive Meeting, Kentucky State Youth Competition, technology (wifi, cell service. Sound, and video), and KWAC State Meeting. It must be close to major highway and be close proximity to hotel and food accommodations.

Region 1: Greenup Co, Boyd Co, Carter Co, Rowan Co, Bath Co, Montgomery Co, Clark Co, Scott Co, and Fayette Co. (45 churches Bluegrass, Boyd Co, Central)

Region 2: Lawrence Co, Martin Co, and Johnson Co. (45 churches Lawrence, Martin, Johnson)

Region 3: Magoffin Co, Floyd Co, and Pike Co. (30 churches Floyd, Sandy Valley)

Region 4: Barren Co, Hardin Co, and Daviess Co. (3 churches Green River)

Article VII

Admissions To: A local association or conference desiring membership in the Kentucky State Association of Free Will Baptists must file an application and send it to the Kentucky State Association for approval of the Credentials Committee.  The report of the Credentials Committee shall be voted on by the assembly, which may accept or reject the same.

Article VIII

Meeting Date: The Kentucky State Association shall meet the first (1st) full weekend consisting of Friday and Saturday of April. With a corporate worship service with the State Youth, KWAC, and Kentucky State Association beginning at 6:00 pm and the Kentucky State Association will convene Saturday morning at 9:30 am.

The Kentucky State Association shall meet on the Friday and Saturday of April with the agenda to be set and determined by the Executive Board.


Section II

Article I

Fall Meeting: There shall be an annual meeting of the Executive Board presided over by the Moderator who shall set the agenda.  The Executive Board shall meet on the 4th Saturday in September at the host church of the upcoming State Association.  The host church shall be encouraged to plan and host a Friday night worship service in agreement with the Moderator before this meeting.

Article II

Women Active for Christ: The Women Active for Christ shall meet on the Friday of the first full weekend of April, at 10:00 am, local time.

Article III

Youth Conference: The Kentucky State Youth Conference shall meet the first (1st) full weekend consisting of Friday and Saturday of April at the host church selected by the Kentucky State Association Executive Committee.

Article IV

Placement: The Women Active for Christ will meet at the church hosting the Kentucky State Association. The Youth Conference of the Kentucky State Association shall rotate to each individual local association or conference in alphabetical order.  The Youth Conference shall be governed by the National Youth Conference Competition Guidelines for competitive activities including conduct and dress code for competing at the state level.  These organizations cannot move their meeting place or time without permission of the Kentucky State Association. 

Article V

Rules: No by-laws shall be passed by the Women Active for Christ or Youth Conference that are incompatible with the Kentucky State Association.  Each of these two auxiliaries will submit an annual report to the Kentucky State Association.

Officers – Their duties and qualifications

Section III

Article I

Officers: The Officers of the Association shall consist of the following who shall be elected at each regular session and serve until their successors are elected and qualified: Moderator, Assistant Moderator, Clerk, Assistant Clerk, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Promotional Secretary, and Assistant Promotional Secretary. 

Article II

Moderator and Assistant Moderator:

Qualifications: The Moderator and Assistant Moderator shall bear the same qualifications.  He must have been an ordained minister for no less than five (5) years and has pastored a church for no less than three (3) years.  He should possess a working knowledge of parliamentary procedure as set forth in Robert’s Rules of Order. He should possess a good knowledge of the By-laws of this body.  He should possess the ability to call order in a firm and humble manner when it becomes necessary while conducting meetings. The Moderator and Assistant Moderator, if Providentially hindered and cannot be present, may be elected if they report by letter.

Duties: The Moderator shall preside at all associational meetings and have general supervision of all church work during his term.  He is to appoint all non-standing committees for the association, so the business is properly brought before the body.  The Assistant Moderator accepts the Moderator’s responsibility in his absence.

Article III

Clerk and Assistant Clerk:

Qualifications: The Clerk must have the ability to keep neat and accurate records.  They should be industrious workers and try to expedite the minutes to each local association or conference as soon as possible.  The Clerk and Assistant Clerk, if Providentially hindered by sickness or a funeral and cannot be present, may be elected if they report by letter.

Duties: They will keep an accurate record of all meetings and read or print them for approval at the next session. It is the Clerk’s responsibility to update the state web page as often as deemed necessary. The Clerk is authorized to purchase the items needed to fulfill these duties.

Article IV

Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer:

Qualifications: The Treasurer and the Assistant Treasurer should be stable, dependable, and honest people. They must be bonded with the expense of the process being paid by the Kentucky State Association. He should possess a working knowledge of mathematics and bookkeeping.

Duties: He is to keep the financial records updated at all times.  He shall be authorized to disperse funds for committees and directors as long as the amounts are within the amount approved by the General Assembly when it is in session or the Executive Board between sessions. He shall also be authorized to disperse funds that are designated for accounts.  There will be no checks written, nor money drawn from the Kentucky State Association treasury, except it be authorized by the General Assembly when in session, or the Executive Committee between sessions.  He shall place all monies totaling $3000.00 in a savings account within thirty (30) days after the association meeting in June. The Treasurer is authorized to purchase the items needed to fulfill these duties.

Article V

Promotional Secretary and Assistant: A Promotional Secretary shall be elected every three years, in accord with the rotation of the General Board of the National Association of Free Will Baptists, to promote unity, missions, Free Will Baptist colleges, and all phases of our work.  When using his personal vehicle on state business, it is recommended that the conference that he visits pay his expenses at the rate paid to Kentucky State employees.  The Promotional Secretary shall serve as the Kentucky State Association’s representative to the General Board of the National Association of Free Will Baptists. His expenses to the events of the National Association shall be reimbursed by the State Association at the rate paid to Kentucky State employees.

The Assistant Promotional Secretary shall attend all Executive Board meetings to aid with the work of the Promotional Secretary.

Executive Board / Composition and Duties: The personnel of the Executive Board shall be comprised of the officers of the State Association, with elected Directors of State Ministries, the Promotional Secretary and one member elected by each local Association or Conference whose term of office shall be two years and so constituted that the expiration date of the term of office of half of these shall be expired one year and the other half the following year.  This shall be determined by alphabetical order of the name of the affiliated Association or Conference.


  1. The Executive Board shall have the power to act on behalf of, and for the State Association from one regular session to another and shall have power to elect such officers as may be necessary to carry out the plans and undertakings of the State Association.  The Board shall plan and execute the special association meeting and the annual sessions of the Kentucky State Association. 
  2. The Executive Board is authorized to decide on the amount of honorarium and expense allowance for visiting ministers during the State Ministers and Workers Conference.  The Board shall have power to collect money from its members as is needed for the work and employ and superintend such workers for the Association as may be needed. The Board has power to set the amount given to the State Moderator, State Clerk, and State Treasurer each year during the April meeting.
  3. In the event that necessity arise from war, or pestilence, or any cause which prevents a regular meeting of the State Association, whether such a condition is for a local or general condition, then the Executive Board shall be privileged to call and act with full authority in all matters pertaining to the general welfare of the State Association. Any transaction passed shall be by two-thirds vote of the members present, providing that such transactions shall not conflict with the purpose and edicts of these By-laws.
  4. Special meetings of the Executive Board shall be called when necessary by the Moderator of the Association with the written consent of three other members of the Executive Board.  Special meetings of the Board shall also be called upon written request of a majority of its members. 
  5. Notice of any special meeting shall be given at least (15) fifteen days previously thereto by written notice delivered personally or by mail to each board member. 
  6. A majority of the number of the Executive Board members shall constitute a quorum for transactions of business at any meeting of the Executive Board. 
  7. The Executive Board shall have power to fill any irregular vacancies that may occur as a result of death or extreme illness in its own body and shall also have power to fill any irregular vacancies that may occur in any department or work between sessions of the State Association.   It shall be the duty of the Board to make of all its work to each session of the State Association.
  8. Any vacancy occurring in the Executive Board may be filled by affirmative vote of the majority of the remaining Board members.

Article VI

Credentials Committee Qualifications:  Members of this committee shall be ordained ministers for not less than (5) five years and have pastored churches for not less than (3) three years.  They should have a working knowledge of the by-laws of this body. They should be thoughtful men and very stable in Free Will Baptist doctrine. Members of this committee shall be elected to serve three (3) year terms. The chairman shall be the member with one (1) year of service remaining. Should a committee member need to be replaced, the replacement shall serve the number of years remaining on that member’s term.

Article VII

Duties of the Credentials Committee:  This committee may be activated upon any appeal confronting the Kentucky State Association and work in conjunction with the Executive Board.  All appeals (grievances) shall be forwarded to the Credentials Committee.  This Committee will be activated when invited by a church, minority group, majority group, or local association or conference; to hear the evidence, offer advice, and report back to the general assembly or Executive Board should they meet before the State Association convenes.

Article VIII

Appointed Committees: When committees are appointed to serve this body, they shall be chosen with great care by the Moderator.  They should have the ability to perform well on the respective committee for which they are chosen.

Article IX

State Youth Director: The State Youth Board shall be comprised of the Executive Board, along with an appointed Director.  The Director shall appoint an Advisory Committee, consisting of a maximum of five (5) people.  This committee must be approved by the Kentucky State Executive Committee in the April Kentucky State Executive Committee Meeting, for preparation for the Kentucky State Youth Conference the following year.  The Director shall be elected by the association for a one (1) year term.

Article X

Nominating Committee:  This committee is an appointed committee. The duties of the Nominating Committee are to recommend one nomination for each office open for election for the consideration of the State Association.

The Nominating Committee shall be comprised of three local association or conference representatives from the Executive Board. They shall serve three year terms and rotate through the representatives by alphabetical order of the name of the local association or conference. The member serving for one year shall serve as the chairman.

Article XI

Business Committee: The Business Committee is an appointed committee.  Any business coming from a local association or conference must be attached to the letter to the State Association and mailed or handed to the clerk at least three (3) weeks prior to the State Association meeting.  All business must come through the Business Committee of the Kentucky State Association.

Article XII

Resolutions Committee: This is an appointed committee. Any resolutions that come from a local association or conference will be examined by the Resolutions Committee for submission to the general assembly. Any resolutions from the State Association to be submitted to the National Association must come through the Resolutions Committee.

Article XIII

Finance Committee: This is an appointed committee. All matters of finance from the local associations and conferences will be examined by this committee before submission to the general assembly. 

Article XIV

Obituary Committee: This committee is a standing committee of the clerks of the conference. They exist to honor the deceased members of this State Association.

Article XV

Expenses and Honorariums: An annual honorarium of $400.00 for the Moderator, $600.00 for the Treasurer, and $800.00 for the Clerk shall be paid by the State Association.  When the Credentials Committee or Officers of the Executive Board are called to their duty, as prescribed in this Constitution and By-laws, the driver or drivers will be paid for the mileage expense of their vehicle.  The Credentials Committee members and Executive Officers shall present their reports to the Finance Committee, who will then make recommendation to the State Association for reimbursement.

The Moderator, Assistant Moderator, Promotional Secretary, Assistant Promotional Secretary, Clerk, Treasurer, State Missions Director, State Youth Director, Master’s Men Director, and Senior Saints Director shall have the right to receive reimbursement of their expenses for lodging, meals, and mileage.  The Kentucky State Association adopts the Kentucky State Government’s mileage rate set for state employees when using personal vehicles on state business. 

The Moderator and Promotional Secretary shall receive reimbursement for their expenses for lodging, mileage, fees, and meals while attending the National Leadership Conference hosted by the National Association of Free Will Baptists.  The Moderator shall have the right to receive reimbursement for lodging, mileage, travel and meals while attending the National Conference. 

Article XVI

Number of Offices Held: No Member shall hold more than two (2) offices in the Kentucky State Association at one time. 

Article XVII

State Home Missions Board: The State Home Mission Board shall be comprised of the Executive Board, along with a Director.  The Director shall be elected by the State Association, for a one year term. 

Article XVIII

State Master’s Men Board: The State Masters Men Board shall be comprised of the Executive Board, along with a Director.  The Director shall be elected by the State Association, for a one year term. 


Section IV

Article I

Baptism: This is the immersion of believers in water, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in which are represented the burial and resurrection of Christ, the death of Christians to the world, the washing of their souls from the pollution of sin, their rising to newness of life, their engagement to serve God and their resurrection at the last day.

Article II

The Washing of the Saints’ Feet and the Lord’s Supper: It is recommended that the members of this body observe the practice of the washing of the saints’ feet and the Lord’s Supper at least once per year.

The Lord’s Supper. This is a commemoration of the death of Christ for our sins in the use of bread which He made the emblem of His broken body, and the cup, the emblem of His shed blood, and by it the believer expresses his love for Christ, his faith and hope in Him, and pledges to Him perpetual fidelity. It is the privilege and duty of all who have spiritual union with Christ to commemorate His death, and no man has a right to forbid these tokens to the least of His disciples.

Washing the Saints’ Feet. This is a sacred ordinance, which teaches humility and reminds the believer of the necessity of a daily cleansing from all sin. It was instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ, and called an “example” on the night of His betrayal, and in connection with the institution of the Lord’s Supper. It is the duty and happy prerogative of every believer to observe this sacred ordinance.

Article III

Tongues and Second Works of Grace:

Free Will Baptists understand the Bible teaches the following facts: On the Day of Pentecost believers spoke in distinct foreign languages which were readily understood by the nationalities present. Tongues were given as a special gift to the early church as only one sign which confirms the witness of the Gospel to unbelievers.

While tongues were bestowed by the sovereign will of God on some believers, all did not speak with tongues. When this gift was abused, it became a source of disturbance in the congregational meetings. To eliminate confusion and correct the error, Paul set particular guidelines for the Christian church to follow. The gift of tongues was neither an evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, nor does it bring about sanctification.

We believe that speaking in tongues as a visible sign of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is an erroneous doctrine to be rejected. Any implication of a “second work of grace” has never been tolerated in our fellowship of churches, and will not be permitted.

We teach and preach the fullness of the Holy Spirit and heed the scriptural admonition, “Be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord.

Article IV

Ordination of Women: The Kentucky State Association will not ordain nor recognize the ordination of women. Women will not be permitted to preach nor pastor in churches of this Association. This is in accordance to the Scriptures found in I Timothy 2:11-15, Titus 2:3-5, and I Corinthians 14:34-35.

Article V (Approved June 2017)

Marriage and Human Sexuality:

Both Scripture and nature as designed by God affirm the life-long, covenantal union of one man, being male as created by God, and one woman, being female as created by God, in a one-flesh relationship.  This one-flesh relationship is emblematic of the union of Christ and His church.  It is the sole and beautiful context of the divine plan for the Biblical marriage of man and woman as image-bearers of God, as well as the foundation for the family as the basic, divinely ordained unit of human society.  Violations of this one-flesh union, whether heterosexual or homosexual, premarital or extramarital, contravene the divine plan for the family and for the conception and rearing of children, bringing spiritual despair, guilt and death to individuals and cultures.

A civil government’s sanction of a union will be recognized as a legitimate marriage by the Kentucky State Association only to the extent that it is consistent with the Biblical definition of marriage expressed above.

No member of the Kentucky State Association may enter into a sexual union other than Biblical marriage as defined by this policy without being subject to church discipline.

No person practicing a sexual union other than Biblical marriage as defined by this policy can be considered for membership in this Association.

Article VI

National Treatise: For further clarification of our doctrinal practices we refer you to the Treatise of the National Association of Free Will Baptists.


Section V

Article I

Alteration: This Constitution and By-laws may be altered or amended at a regular session of the Association by a two-thirds vote of those present, provided that notice shall have been filed with the clerk at the preceding session, showing that it is desired.  Copies of amendments shall be made available by the Clerk upon request by Association members for study.

Article II

Dues: Each local association or conference shall make a report of its work before the regular session of the State Association. This report should include a list of delegates and contribution of the dues to the National Association plus a fee of $50.00 per church in the local association or conference for dues to the State Association. 

Article III

Rights: This Association shall have the right to settle any questions of discipline, doctrine, or government usage coming before it properly from any of the bodies composing this organization. This Association shall have the right to act upon any appeal that may be made from anybody belonging to the Kentucky State Association.

Article IV:

Government: The Kentucky State Association shall be governed by this Constitution and By-laws, and by parliamentary procedure.

Article V

Rules of Decorum: Any minister or delegate not abiding by these rules of decorum shall be corrected immediately by the Kentucky State Association.        

  1. This Conference shall be opened in singing and with prayer and closed with prayer;
  • Only one person shall speak at a time and must rise to his feet to address the Moderator;
  • Each person thus speaking shall not be interrupted in speech except by the Moderator, nor shall the Moderator interrupt unless he or she breaks order;
  • Persons speaking shall adhere to the question and in no wise cast reflection on the person who spoke before them;
  • No person shall speak more than twice on the same subject without permission of the Association;
  • Members shall address one another as Brother, Brethren, or Sister;
  • No member of this Association shall absent themselves when the Association is sitting in session without leave of the Moderator:
  • Names of members of the Association shall be enrolled and called over as often as the Association deems necessary;
  • No person shall speak longer than five (5) minutes at a time without permission of the Moderator;
  1. The rights of the minority shall be respected.

Article VI

This Constitution and By-Laws: This document may be used as a guideline by the local associations and conferences in the bringing forth of a constitution and by-laws to govern their own association.

Article VII

Unity: No local association or conference shall be incompatible to this Kentucky State Association By-Laws.  Neither are these By-laws intended to be in disagreement with the Treatise of the National Association.  We recommend that the Kentucky State Association accept the Treatise of the Faith and Practices of the National Association of Free Will Baptists.

Article VIII

Transfer: No church may transfer to another local association or conference except it have a letter of recommendation from the local association or conference it is leaving.  The church must be in fellowship with its local association or conference and the Kentucky State Association.

Article IX

Attendance: It is recommended that all ordained ministers attend the Kentucky State Association for Christ’s sake and His Kingdom.

Article X

Dress: It is recommended that the brethren of the Kentucky State Association of Free Will Baptist’s shall give attention to appropriate appearance.  Facial hair should be neatly trimmed.  Hair should be of modest length.  Likewise, sisters should observe modesty in their dress and general appearance.  Neither pantsuits nor shorts are to be worn.  It is further recommended that the local associations and conferences use this guidance.


Section VI

Article I

Disqualification: The Kentucky State Association will grant no minister a recommendation card who has been married to two different women and both are alive at the present.  No minister will be granted a recommendation card who has a wife that has been married to two different husbands and are alive at the present time.

Article II

Gender: Candidates for ordination to the offices of pastor / evangelists / bishop / deacon, are restricted to men that are biological males at birth, and that women (who are biological female at birth), while invaluable for the overall work of the church, cannot be considered for ordination from inference of the  apostle in 1 Timothy 3:1, and is also disqualified based upon the authority restriction of 1 Timothy 2:12. Women will not be permitted to preach or pastor in churches of this association. (1 Timothy 2:11-12; Titus 2:3-5; 1 Corinthians 14:34-34)

Parliamentary Law: It is recommended that all ministers study the principles of Parliamentary Law.

Article III

Pastor Membership: It is recommended that a minister become a member of the local association or conference in which he pastors a church.

Article IV

Excluded Ministers: Any local association or conference belonging to the Kentucky State Association of Free Will Baptists that permits a minister who has been excluded to preach in one of its churches shall be subject to discipline by the Kentucky State Association.

Article V

Letters of Recommendation: No minister shall carry a card or letter of recommendation more than (6) six months in his possession and have voting rights. He must put his letter in a Free Will Baptist association or conference.  It is recommended that if he wants to change from one local association or conference to another that he apply for membership in the new association or conference, and let the current association or conference send for the letter of recommendation.